Publication list for psychologist Michelle Ulrichsen
Note: these articles are in danish
- Ulrichsen, J. & Ulrichsen, M. (2008). Psykologisk behandling ved Obsessiv Kompulsiv Lidelse (OCD). Ugeskr Læger 170 (26):2333-2336.
- Ulrichsen, M. (2006). Når angsten tager overhånd. Fagligt kapitel: Angst – følelsen af at miste kontrollen, redaktør Birgit Madsen, Kroghs Forlag.
- Ulrichsen, J. & Ulrichsen, M. (2006). Den gode og den onde recovery. Ugeskrift for Læger, 168(3):299.
- Ulrichsen, J. & Ulrichsen, M. (2005). Recovery – en modpol til den lægevidenskabelige tilgang til psykisk sygdom? Ugeskrift for Læger, 167(40):3801.
- Tuxen, N. & Ulrichsen, M. (2005). Behandling af angstlidelser i Angstklinikken på Rigshospitalet. Lægemagasinet, årg. 19(9):S4-7.
Publication list for consultant doctor Jakob Ulrichsen
Note: some articles are in danish
- Ulrichsen J, Clemmesen L, Flach H, Hemmingsen R. The effect of phenobarbital and carbamazepine on the ethanol withdrawal reaction in the rat. Psychopharmacology; 89: 162-166; 1986.
- Ulrichsen J, Laursen H, Mogensen J, Clemmesen L, Hemmingsen R. Impaired active avoidance performance in thiamin deficient rats without detectable neuropathological changes. Neurosci Res Comm; 1: 65-70; 1987.
- Ulrichsen J, Clemmesen L, Barry DI, Hemmingsen R. The GABA/Benzodiazepine receptor complex during multiple episodes of ethanol intoxication and ethanol withdrawal in the rat. Psychopharmacology; 96: 227-231; 1988.
- Hemmingsen R, Mogensen J, Laursen H, Barry D, Ulrichsen J. Behavioural effects of thiamine deficiency and ethanol intoxication in rats without structural brain lesion. Scand. J. Lab. Anim. Sci. 16, Suppl 1: 63-65; 1989.
- Ulrichsen J. Alterations in serotonin receptor subtypes in ethanol dependent rats. Alcohol and Alcoholism; 26: 567-573; 1991.
- Ulrichsen J, Clemmesen L, Gustavson L, Alling C, Hemmingsen R. Acidic phospholipids in synaptosomal plasma membranes during repeated episodes of physical ethanol dependence in the rat. Alcohol and Alcoholism; 26: 323-328;1991.
- Ulrichsen J, Laursen H, Mogensen J, Hemmingsen R. Behavioural impairment during thiamine deficiency and ethanol intoxication in rats without detectable neuropathological changes. Neurosci Res Com; 9: 99-108; 1991.
- Ulrichsen J, Partilla J, Dax E. The effects of repeated administrations of m chlorophenyl pi on locomotor activity, neuroendocrine responses and serotonin receptor subtypes in the rat. Psychopharmacology; 107: 229-235; 1992.
- Ulrichsen J, Clemmesen L, Hemmingsen R. Convulsive behavior during alcohol dependence: discrimination between the role of intoxication and withdrawal. Psychopharmacology; 107: 97-102; 1992.
- Ulrichsen J, Bech B, Hemmingsen R. Diazepam prevents progression of kindled alcohol withdrawal behaviour. Psychopharmacology; 121: 451-460; 1995.
- Ulrichsen J, Bech B, Ebert B, Diemer N, Hemmingsen R. Glutamate and benzodiazepine receptor autoradiography in rat brain after repetition of alcohol dependence. Psychopharmacology; 126: 31-41; 1996
- Ulrichsen J, Woldbye D, Olsen CH, Haugbøl S, Bolwig TG, Hemmingsen R. No loss of somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons in the hippocampal dentate hilus of alcohol withdrawal kindled rats. Alcohol and Alcoholism; 31: 411-420; 1996
- Ulrichsen J, Bech B, Ebert B, Diemer N, Hemmingsen R. Alterations in the serotonin 1a receptor subtype during repetition of ethanol dependence. Psychopharmacology; 132: 19-26; 1997
- Ulrichsen J, Haugbøl S, Brandt C, Allerup P, Hemmingsen R. Irreversibility of alcohol-withdrawal kindling in rats. Alcohol and Alcoholism; 33: 230-243; 1998
- Ulrichsen J, Woldbye DPD, Madsen TM, Clemmesen L, Haugbøl S, Olsen CH, Laursen H, Bolwig TG, Hemmingsen R. Electrical amygdala kindling in alcohol withdrawal kindled rats. Alcohol and Alcoholism; 33: 244-254; 1998
- Ulrichsen J, Hemmingsen R. Farmakologisk behandling ved alkoholisme. Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning; juni: 845-852; 1998
- Woldbye DPD, Ulrichsen J, Haugbøl S, Bolwig TG. Ethanol withdrawal in rats is attenuated by intracerebroventricular administration of neuropeptide Y. Alcohol and Alcoholism; 37: 318-321; 2002
- Haugbøl S, Ebert B, Ulrichsen J. Upregulation of glutamate receptor subtypes during alcohol withdrawal in rats. Alcohol and Alcoholism; 40: 89-95; 2005
- Ulrichsen J. Cochrane Review: Benzodiazepines for alcohol withdrawal. Ugeskr Læger 168(35):2896; 2006
- Olling JD, Ulrichsen J, Haugbøl S, Glenthøj B, Hemmingsen R, Woldbye DP. Decreased gene expression of neuropeptide Y and its receptors in hippocampal regions during ethanol withdrawal in rats. Neurosci Lett; 424(3):160-164;2007
- Lützen L, Poulsen LM, Ulrichsen J. Respirationsproblemer ved phenobarbitalbehandling af delirium tremens; et retrospektivt studie. Ugeskr Læger 170 (23):2018-2022;2008
- Ulrichsen J, Ulrichsen M. Psykologisk behandling ved Obsessiv Kompulsiv Lidelse (OCD). Ugeskr Læger 170 (26):2333-2336;2008
- Olling JD, Ulrichsen J, Christensen D, Woldbye D. Complex plastic changes in the neuropeptide Y (NPY) system during ethanol intoxication and withdrawal in the rat brain. J of Neurosci Res 87 (10):2386-2397; 2009
- Olling JD, Ulrichsen J, Correll M, Woldbye, PD. Gene expression in the neuropeptide Y system during ethanol withdrawal kindling in rats. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 34 (3): 462-470; 2010
- Damsgaard L, Nielsen MK, Ulrichsen J. Wernickes encephalopati hos patienter med alkoholabstinenssymptomer. Ugeskrift for Læger 172 (28): 2054-2058; 2010.
- Ulrichsen J, Nielsen MK, Ulrichsen M. Disulfiram in severe alcoholism – an open controlled study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 18. Marts 2010 (Epub ahead of print).
- Hjermø I, Anderson JE, Fink-Jensen A, Allerup P, Ulrichsen J. Phenobarbital versus diazepam for delirium tremens – a retrospective study. Dan Med Bul - No. 8. August 2010 A4169
- Tangmose K, Nielsen MK, Allerup P, Ulrichsen J. Linear correlation between
phenobarbital dose- and concentration in alcohol withdrawing patients. Dan Med
Bul - No. 8. August 2010 A4141
Op-Ed articles
I. Andersen HS, Ulrichsen J et al. Fagligheden i psykiatrien essentiel – støtte til psykiatriprofessorernes indlæg. Ugeskrift for Læger 166: 69; 2004
II. Ulrichsen J, Ulrichsen M. Recovery - en modpol til den lægevidenskabelige tilgang til psykisk sygdom, Ugeskrift for Læger 167: 3801; 2005
III. Ulrichsen J, Ulrichsen M. Den gode og den onde recovery. Ugeskrift for læger 168: 299; 2006.
IV. Tom G. Bolwig, Poul Videbech, Raben Rosenberg, Torsten Meldgaard Madsen, Martin Balslev Jørgensen, Per Kragh-Sørensen, Jakob Ulrichsen, John-Erik Andersson. Forringet patient-behandling; Psykiatrilov. Politiken 4.4 2006
V. Ulrichsen J, Styrk den akademiske psykiatri. Dagens Medicin nr. 5, 22. februar 2007.
Updated 27-04-2011